Sunday, November 15, 2015

Find The Quality Of Air From Greenpeace’s Clean Air Nation App

As part of Clean Air Nation campaign, Greenpeace India has launched Clean Air Nation app which empowers users to find out the quality of air and how to protect themselves on bad polluted days and what actions government should take to protect public health.
Shivanandan L, Technology Manager at Greenpeace India, said, “As a father, I wanted to do something to highlight the dangers they face – which affect 35% of school going Indian children. The obvious answer would surely be to tackle the problem of air pollution by reducing emissions at sources. But in India that’s not going to happen quickly – so do people need to continue to suffer from hazardous PM and pollution – or can we introduce preventative measures now. I’m a tech minded guy – so is there some tech I can build which will help? So we decided Greenpeace India can create a solution which will help people to take precautionary measures for our loved ones.”
Once the user downloads the app, they can go through different cities’ air quality data as provided by the NAQI (National Air Quality Index). Depending on the quality of the air, the app will give users precautionary measures for different various groups (children, elders and pregnant women).
(source Next Big What.com)

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